If you want to import the hair color from Korea, please contact to us at any time.
- This low stimulated functional treatment hairdye has no strong scent or stimulus witnessed from an ordinary hairdye.
- As this neutral type product guarantees no hair damage or skin irritation from strong alkali, it is a recommended product
for consumers who dye their grey hair on a regular basis.
- 2 products are both cream types and contain high content of various treatment oil, silicon and protein. The hair gets much softer
after dyeing.
YSM Marketing Consulting Co. / Korea Cosmetics Business Commnunity Association
#608, Baeksang Bldg 1st, Digital Road 9, Geumcheon-Gu, Seoul 153-713 Korea
Tel : +82 2 815 2355 / 814 2353 Mobile : +82 10 5577 2355
Website : http://www.job.biz
Association : http://www.kcbca.or.kr
Email : marketer@jm.co.kr
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